As noted recently in the RiotACT,in the article The Canberra Guide goes live, "The official “app” of the National Attractions has been released by Andrew Barr and the National Capital Authority." RiotACT note "It looks a lot like a mobile website" and ask for comment "Your thoughts dear readers?"
Hopefully the following are taken as constructive comments and advice for “The Canberra Guide” app makers.The app looks very useful but it could use a little more polishing. Both content and naming need improvement and standardisation: e.g.
- Embassy naming is a sensitive issue: Embassy of Sweden is the official name not Sweden Embassy (!
- Courts includes residential ie. non-law courts: e.g. Brindabella Court Anglicare Nursing Home as well as the High Court Of Australia; same-same?
- There are no Gungahlin BBQs listed and most major parks in Gungahlin are missing!
Apparently they are an anonymous heathen lot in Gungahlin with a sole un-named Place of Worship!
So in summary – the app is not quite (but almost) ready for prime time; at the moment you could sleep in it but it is like an unmade bed! I’m pretty sure I could do a better job of polishing this app so it should not be hard for other professionals.