Tuesday, 25 October 2011

IQ2 Debate: Do we need a Nanny State? But what is a Nanny State?

At a feisty Intelligence Squared debate at Sydney University, two teams battled over the notion: "We Need a Nanny State". The speakers included professional advocates for public health and consumers, an expert in spin, a conservative think tank spokesboffin, plus two student debaters from the university.

It would have been a wiser debate if it had been made clear what a Nanny State actually is? Does it cover a state with any rules as without rules we (may) just have Anarchy!

Rules may restrict freedom but they represent an imperfect attempt to pass on prior wisdom. How rules are regulated - we are humans not robots - is key - thus there should be some acceptance of risk versus absolute safety - the latter is of couse absurd! Living is dangerous! Eventually we might die! As a close friend states: No risk = no fun!